Gallery 2023 Filmfestival
will open late autumn 2025
The „SUBURBINALE“ is the only filmfestival worldwide focusing on international film productions reflecting the challenges and chances of suburban life.
We have recived over 170 submissions from 30 countries!
The next filmfestival will take place November 2025
We are located in the eastern suburbs of Vienna/Austria, where the nationalpark „Donauauen“ emerges from the city´s borders. This is also the gateway to Austria´s biggest vegetable garden – the Marchfeld.
Even though the area offers culture, wide open spaces and a vast variety of freshly grown fruits and vegetables – literally in the backyard – people tend to head towards the city. This situation is no particular case, it occurs in nearly every periphery around the world. People drive downtown for working and return in the evening for sleeping.
We want to foster a culture of co-thinking new ways of creating visions in fast changing environments!